Understand Dead Pixels and Screens

Find here all our tutorials, tips and tricks and news articles about dead pixels, screens and how to fix them. Here's everything you need to know about dead pixels, how to test your screen and how to fix dead or stuck pixels.

Dead Pixel on OLED Screen: How to Test and Fix Your Display

Learn how to identify, test, and attempt to fix dead pixels on OLED screens. This guide covers testing methods and potential fixes for dead or stuck pixels on your OLED display.

Fix a Stuck Pixel: All the Methods to Revive Bad Pixels

Learn all the methods to fix a stuck pixel, including software tools, manual techniques, and when to seek professional help.

Broken Pixel on iPhone: Test Your iPhone and Fix its Dead Pixels

Discover how to test for and fix dead pixels on your iPhone screen with this guide. Learn about testing tools, pixel repair methods, and maintenance tips to ensure an optimal display experience.

Dead Pixel on Smartphone Screen: Test Your Screen and Fix Dead Pixels

You suspect that your smartphone has dead pixels? We'll let you know how to perform a dead pixel test and attempt to fix dead or stuck pixels.

Dead Pixel on Monitor: How to Test Your Screen and Fix Its Dead Pixels

You think you have dead pixels on your monitor? This simple guide will let you know how to test your screen for dead pixels and attempt a dead pixel fix.

Dead Pixel or Stuck Pixels: what are the differences and how to distinguish them?

Wondering what the difference between a stuck pixel and a dead pixel is? This article will answer all your questions.

How to clean your computer screen safely?

In this detailed guide, we'll let you know how to clean your computer screen safely and with natural materials.

What is a stuck pixel?

Are you seeing odd pixels on your screen? This article will let you know what a stuck pixel is and how to spot and fix them.

How to test my screen for dead pixels?

In this article, we explain how to run a dead pixel test to detect dead or stuck pixels on your screen.

What is a dead pixel?

What is a dead pixel? What is a pixel? Why can a pixel stop working eventually? How to check if any on my screen are dead?